Anthropology Southern Africa

Aims and Scope

Anthropology Southern Africa (ASNA) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Anthropology Southern Africa association. Formerly the South African Journal of Ethnology (1994–2001), the journal changed name and focus in 2002. The journal aims to promote anthropology in Southern Africa, to support ethnographic and theoretical research, and to provide voices to public debates.

Anthropology Southern Africa is committed to contemporary perspectives in social and cultural anthropology and in relevant interdisciplinary scholarship. It looks at the current conditions in Southern African, African, and Global societies, taking into consideration varied challenges such as the politics of difference, or poverty and dignity. We have recently published on topics, which include, among others, cities and urbanism, new religious movements, popular culture, social media, neoliberalism, nationalism, racism, social memory, protests and social movements, health and illness, or human rights.

The journal publishes work on and from Southern Africa including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We occasionally publish material on and from other countries, where this is deemed relevant for Southern African perspectives.

Anthropology Southern Africa is firmly based within the region while also reaching out and attracting work by a range of regional and international scholars, who are committed to Southern African scholarship. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, book reviews, commentary, and other material relevant to engaged scholarly discourse within and outside Anthropology. The journal is listed in the Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index.

ISSN: 2332-3256 (Print)
2332-3264 (Online)

Impact Factor: 0.6 (2022)
5-year Impact Factor: 0.6 (2022)

Accredited with the DHET (SAPSE)

Contact: Editorial assistant:

Instructions for authors

Editorial Policy

Articles based on original research, review articles, short communications, and commentary (on articles which have appeared in this Journal) from any field of Anthropology may be published in the Journal. Articles submitted must be in English.


Microsoft Word compatible electronic copy must be submitted to Taylor and Francis' online platform at and will be submitted to at least two referees for evaluation. Manuscripts may be returned to authors for revision, or if style or presentation do not comply with the standards of the Journal. Copyright of published material vests in Anthropology Southern Africa. Authors assume full responsibility for the factual correctness of their contributions. Authors are also responsible for the accuracy of language, grammar and syntax etc. of their contributions and must be prepared to have the language editing of their contributions done independently if necessary. Papers are submitted to Anthropology Southern Africa should not have been accepted for publication or published elsewhere. Opinions expressed are those of the authors themselves and are not necessarily endorsed by the Editors or Anthropology Southern Africa.

Word templates

Word templates are available for this journal. If you are not able to use the template via the links or if you have any other template queries, please contact


All manuscripts must be typed or printed, on one side only of A4 paper, with at least 1.5 line spacing in not smaller than 12-point typeface, a margin of 30mm on the left, and with extra space above the sub-headings.
For articles and short communications: the first page must contain the following, in sequence:
• Title of the contribution. Titles must not be longer than 15 words, and must contain sufficient information for use in title lists or for coding for purposes of storing or  retrieving information
• The author's/authors' surnames(s) and initials
• The name and complete postal address of the university/institution
• English abstract (with a translation if the articles is not written in English)
• Current e-mail and complete postal address of the first author if this differs from the first address.

Abstracts and keywords

An abstract (length approx. 150 words) must reflect the contents of the text faithfully and concisely, and be suitable for separate publication and indexing. Abstracts of short communications must be limited to one or two sentences. Each contribution must include six to eight keywords.
Text: Pages must be numbered sequentially. headings should not be numbered or underlined, but main headings and secondary headings must be distinguished from each other, e.g. by case, bold, font, etc. Items to be italicised including all words in a language other than that in which the article is written, must be underlined in the manuscript.
Contributions should contain the following: objective, problem statement, method and duration of research, structure, findings and interpretation of findings (conclusion), expect where the nature of a contribution does not lend itself to such a prescriptive structure (e.g. contributions to a discourse).

Style guidelines

Download a style guide for Anthropology Southern Africa.


Please use British spelling (OED) (–ize endings), italicize non-English words and phrases


Initials (e.g. US, NJ, BBC) do not have full points between them.
For names of article authors and in references, no space between initials (J.P. Smith, Smith, J.P).etc., i.e., e.g., vs., c. in roman followed by full stop.
No full stops for abbreviations: Mr, Dr, am, pm Full stops following contractions: Prof.
"Double quotation marks for quotes"; and single marks within quotes. No quotes around indented quotations (over 40 words) ; single quotes for quotations within indented quotations.
'Punctuation placed outside quotes, unless part of the quote'.
Ellipses: three unspaced dots, with a single space either side. Do not include square brackets otherwise.
Closing punctuation inside quotation marks.
Please do not move superscript footnote to the end of sentences. Please keep them in the sentence at the point of greatest relevance


Spaced en rules for parenthetical dashes
Use en rule between spans of numbers (e.g. 20–40), including page numbers in references.
Hyphenation: powerful human-rights-based arguments; long-term impacts; one-fourth; semi-urban areas; a 20-item screening instrument.
En-dash [keystroke: Ctrl+Num-] : in the age group 18–24 years; 24–49-year-olds; pp. 61–64; 2–5 days.
Em-dash [keystroke: Alt+Ctrl+Num-] : E-health — the application of information and communications technologies in the healthcare sector — is fast developing worldwide.

Numbers and dates

Numbers: spell out one to nine, then 10, 1000, 10,000. Spell out again after 1 million.
Where numbers in the same sentence fall above and below 10, use figures for both (e.g. between the ages of 9 and 15).
10% (except at start of sentence)
Always use figures before abbreviations, e.g. 5 kg, 6%.
Monetary amounts: £10.00, $30.00, €50.00 or AU$61.90.


October 4, 2005
in the twenty-first century
in the 1970s
The nineteenth century was ...
Nineteenth-century art ...
mid-seventeenth century
9:30 am, 10 pm


Capitalise: proper names (the National Gallery), names of places (Delhi), names of dates and periods (the Middle Ages), names of events (the Boston Tea Party), names of legislation and legal documents (the Bill of Rights), names of honours and awards (Bachelor of Music), Religious names and terms (the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Being), names of people and languages (Irish, Aboriginal, German), trade names (Informa), names including a letter or number (Route 66, Room 2b).
Lower case when referring to an institution in general (government papers, the president said) but capitalise when referring to a specific institution or when the title precedes a name (the Indian Government, President Obama).
Capitalise major words in the titles of books/periodicals/chapters/
articles/poems written in English ( The Merchant of Venice, "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer", Sunday Times, The Story of My Life)


Non-English words / phrases (excluding proper nouns) should be in italics with the gloss or translation in brackets or worked into the sentence in which they appear.

References: quick guide

Nairn, T. 1997. Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited. London: Verso.
Chapter in book
Roell, C.H. 1994. "The Piano in the American Home." In The Arts and the American Home, 1890 - 1930, ed. J. H. Foy and K. A. Marling, 193-204. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.
Smith, John, ed. 2012. Collected Style Manuals. Abingdon: Routledge.
Reprinted work
Fielding, H. (1749) 2005. The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling. London: Penguin Classics.
Journal article
Liker, A. and T. Szekely. 1997. "Aggression Among Female Lapwings, Vanellus vanellus." Animal Behaviour. 54 (3): 797-802.
Yetman, Norman R. 2001. "An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives." Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938.

Free online access

All authors will receive free online access to their article through Taylor & Francis Online, and 50 electronic e-prints to distribute as they so choose.


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